mercoledì 9 luglio 2014

... Forza rialzati - Bruce Springsteen

Now with these hands,                                                              Adesso con queste mani
With these hands, With these hands,                                      con queste mani,

With these hands, I pray Lord                                                 prego Dio
With these hands, With these hands,                                      con queste mani                

I pray for the strength Lord                                                     prego Dio che mi dia forza
With these hands, With these hands,                                      con queste mani
I pray for the faith, Lord                                                           prego Dio che mi dia fede
With these hands, With these hands,                                      cona queste mani,
I pray for your love, Lord                                                         prego per il tuo amore Dio
With these hands, With these hands,                                      con queste mani
I pray for the strength, Lord                                                    prego per la forza Dio
With these hands, With these hands,                                      con queste mani
I pray for your love, Lord                                                         prego per il tuo amore Dio
With these hands, With these hands,                                      con queste mani
I pray for your faith, Lord                                                        prego per la tua Fede, Dio
With these hands, With these hands,                                      con queste mani
I pray for the strength, Lord                                                    prego per la forza, Dio
With these hands, With these hands                                       con queste mani

Come on, rise up                                                                         Forza rialzati!
Come on, rise up                                                                         Forza rialzati!

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